Thank You for Accepting Our Invitation To Be A Guest On The LATAM Medtech Leaders Podcast

How to prepare for a podcast recording session

Thanks to guests like you, our podcast has become the go-to place for life science companies to learn about the opportunities that Latin America offers for Medtech clinical research.


  • Your bio: If you haven't done so before recording the episode, please send me a 50-100-word bio of yourself (in English) so we can correctly introduce you to the podcast listeners. See this Forbes article here about how to format a professional bio. You can send us your bio via email here.

  • Your professional headshot: If you haven't done so before recording the episode, please email us a professional headshot photo.

  • Interview questions: These are generally the questions we ask our guests:

    1. What’s your personal and professional journey to Latin America?

    2. What industry, social, economic, or disease trends do you see happening that are relevant to our discussion today about Latin America?

    3. What's your experience running OUS Medtech early feasibility/pilot/first-in-human studies?

    4. What has been your involvement with Latin America? Please describe your clinical research experience (and plans) in the region. 

    5. Is it getting harder or easier to get early feasibility/pilot/first-in-human/pivotal Medtech studies done in the US, and why?

    6. Are Medtech companies increasingly or decreasingly looking at outside-the-US (OUS) geographies to conduct early feasibility/pilot/first-in-human/pivotal studies?

    7. Which countries are ideal for quickly getting early feasibility/pilot/first-in-human/pivotal studies off the ground and completed?

  • Podcast Guest Release Form: Review it and sign it here.

  • Date of recording: Select the recording session time here. We'll both receive calendar invites upon confirmation. Please check your spam folder if you don't have this email message in your primary inbox.

  • Place of recording: This will be a video podcast recording using the professional recording platform (your calendar invite will have the session URL). Visit this page to test your webcam and microphone.

A Few Tips

  • Find a quiet environment. Prioritize your connection to by closing other tabs, apps, & devices. If your network disconnects, everything will be fine. Your room shouldn't be empty (devoid of curtains, chairs, carpet, lamps). Place your cell phone and computer in “Do not disturb" mode; this will ensure that there will be no noise distractions during the recording.

  • Go to your computer settings and set your microphone's input volume to 75% and the output volume to 50%.

  • Now, we are ready to record! Please don't disclose confidential information during our interview. Our interview will be uploaded to our podcast page and distributed to Apple, Spotify, YouTube, and others. Your episode will be professionally edited and published 30-60 days after recording.

  • Avoid using the Apple EarPods or AirPods with built-in microphones, your computer’s built-in computer microphone and speakers, or generic Bluetooth wireless headphones –this is to ensure great sound quality.

  • Wear a wired earphone or wired headphones to eliminate echo.

  • Use a good quality wired external USB microphone. I recommend these great microphones that will make you sound like a real pro in our podcast interview and in your regular business conference calls. The New York Times has tested and rated the best USB mics for your desk: Blue Yeti, the Shure MV5, and the Amazon Basics.

How to get in contact with Julio G. Martinez-Clark: Click here to see Julio G. Martinez-Clark's contact information.

What will happen after we record the session? Our podcast producer will send you an email about 45-60 days after the recording date to share the public link to the podcast episode page.

Schedule Your Podcast Interview Recording Session